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Needles, and Bobbins, and Sergers oh My!

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:57 am
by Neptunes_Mask
I somehow finished my Super Sailor Neptune costume before Anime Festival Wichita, but it turned out poorly. Aside from sewing more (which I know I need to do) does anyone have any suggestions on how to improve my sewing skills? I even went so low as to buy "Sewing for Dummies." >.< I've actually gotten better at pinning and cutting, but my ability to operate the bloody sewing machine has gone out the window.... *sad face*

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:18 pm
by Hemuloki-sama
Practice, practice, practice.

Make lots of things that are both complicated and not.

I remember when I needed to improve some of my hand stitches that I made a bunch of pillows and handkerchiefs and stuff. Then, when I was more confident, I started to do some doll clothes and then moved up from there.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 6:33 pm
by mrs.tomoe
Yes, practice. And don't watch the needle go up and down -it'll hypnotize you and make your stitches go all wavy. Follow the seam guide for normal seams, and use tailor's chalk or something to mark the actual stitching line for complicated areas (weird curves or strange corners). If you've cut and pinned well, the machining should go well too. :)

p.s. Use a long stitch length on your machine so if you goof up anywhere, it's a little easier to undo than a lot of tiny, close-together stitches.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 7:18 am
by Misstress Testament
Don't look at the needle look in front of it, be hypnotized by the fabric. take a deep breath, maybe play some music or TV. Don't go in tense it makes it less fun and you don't Flow. Make some unimportant things like a tool holder. 2ft square, hem each edge fold in half and sew lines from top to bottom 2-4 inches apart. I know it sounds odd but it's a little thing if you screw up noooo problem and in the end you have a holder for your bits :D