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I don't know how to go about it...

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:18 pm
by CallMeGinger
I'm trying to make an eclair costume from Kiddy Grade, and I don't know how to make the cross cutout in the middle stiff so it doesn't bunch up and do weird stuff. Does anyone have any ideas that would work out??? Thanks bunches!!!

Here's a picture...


Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:42 pm
by Sterling
refrence pic?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:31 am
by mrs.tomoe
Whether you're making a cutout or a "filled" cross (using fabric that matches your skintone), the dress will want to wrinkle because this is real life, not an animation. ^_^ Even using interfacing or other stiffeners may not be comfortable to wear and has its own challenges like making the whole front of the dress move strangely when you walk, sit, or pose.

I'd say use a normal amount of interfacing or lining to keep the area from curling, and then use garment tape to fasten the entire shape of the cross to your skin. It's used for keeping spaghetti straps from falling off your shoulders and so on, but I think it'd be great for holding the costume in place for you. (I could be wrong, of course, but it's an idea anyway. ^_^)

Another option would be to make the dress more like a corset than a normal dress so that you can build a framework that hugs your middle closely, gives definition, and doesn't shift a lot. Probably wouldn't be the most comfortable thing, but it would be stiff enough with the correct boning & construction.[/url]