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Wigs are so expensive, it makes me want to cry. xD

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:28 pm
by VocalCannibal
I don't need amazing quiality wigs.
I don't care if people notice that it's not my real hair. xD

I just want a wig. Is my best bet a Halloween store? ._.

Making a costume is expensive enough.

Just to make it clear, I'm working with a very tight buget.
I'm 13, and this is baby sitting money I'm using...well, and my allowance. xD
(Well, I'll end up making $30 this mom has this weird allowance system. I'll technically have $60 but I only get to use half.)
But I'll still need about $15 more for really short, Haruhi Fujioka wig. ._.
Not to mention fabric, pants, and a Ouran Patch.

Are there any cheaper sites?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:02 am
by Nova
I've had both good and bad luck with Halloween store wigs..
It really depends on if you plan on doing any major styling to it.. Say spikes. Some wigs are better than others. But most of the wigs you'll find there will be low quality and quite thin. So the best you could do it a straight look or something.
I bought a supposed 'long silver wig' for when I was doing Yazoo, but when it came out of the package it was nothing but a tangled up mess, now dubbed 'Bed Head Sephiroth'. So, be fore warned.. You really can't trust Halloween stores; you'll never know what you'll get. is where I get most of my wigs. They are fairly cheap.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:27 am
by VocalCannibal
Thanks alot!
Bed Head...Do you happen to have a picture of that? It's sounds hallarious.

Well, I just went and bought a wig off eBay yesterday.
It's not as bad when you spilt the cost. So, including shipping, it was only 26 dollars and like I said, I only had to pay half so 13.

I'ma check out that site now. o:

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:43 am
by Nova
Sorry for the bad quality picture >_>; But that is the only picture I took of that wig before I laid it to rest. xD
This was how it was once I got it out of the package and tried to brush through it. x_x

That's good. E-Bay does tend to have pretty cheap wigs. Though I've never used them before.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 1:47 pm
by VocalCannibal
Ha. Omgz. xD That's so funny.

I looked at that site and by the looks of it,
I'll be purchasing my wigs from there.
Thank you so much!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 5:19 pm
by Sterling
Cosplay is an expensive hobby.

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:43 am
by Captain Izu
Oh my god!! That "Sephi Bed Head" wig is freakin' awesome! :o Too bad it was laid to rest, it could have been the piece de resistance of a ~Sephiroth Pajama Party!~ costume. XD

But yeah, nice wigs can get really expensive...sometimes you can get good enough quality ones from Hong Kong for like $15. But I'd only recommend that for straight styles.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:11 am
by TR Rose
There's an awesome wig seller on Ebay who I've purchased from - her handle is zhenna0036. If you can find her auctions (rather than the "Buy it Now" listings, she usually sells the wigs very low, but charges high for shipping. I believe mine was $2 for the wig, $19 for shipping. Altogether, though, a good quality wig for $21!

Other cosplayers have had good experiences with her products as well.
You should definitely take a look at what she's selling.

If you look through my gallery, I purchased my new Princess Peach wig from her (the golden blonde wavy one). It does look like real hair, as opposed to that pale blonde puffball I had before...