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Not actually expecting a response, but . . . How do you sew?

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:46 pm
by Rin_Kusanagi
No, I'm serious. I can't sew . . . ^_^ I wish I could make my own costumes! I'd give anything. *sighs*
Oh well xD

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:57 pm
by Sakura_Efreet
*nod nod* My mom makes my costumes, but I think I'll be taking classes soon! THANK GOD!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:04 pm
by Rin_Kusanagi
wow, you can actually take classes? O.O That is amazing (I'm slow, so sorry <_> )
I think I have too many things going on to take classes (drama, plays, school, guitar, Japanese, and possibly dance after New years. @.@ I don't like being so busy *sobs*)

My parents hate anime <_> I dunno why. They just do. So my mom would never make me costumes *sighs*

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:12 pm
by Amiya
Well, I think they offer an hour of free class if you buy a sewing machine at certain places...

My parents are not supportive of anime or cosplay, so I sew everything myself and I guess I'm considered self-taught ^_^

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:15 pm
by Rin_Kusanagi
Wow, I didn't know that . . . I wonder how much sewing machines cost . . . >.> Hey, do u think I could become an expert in that one hour ^_^ (shh, let me dream)

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:26 pm
by Amiya
Well, sewing machines can range from a hundred to several thousand dollars. I got mine for about $200 and it has all the options I it just depends on how sophisticated you want the sewing machine to be.

Actually, it only takes about an hour to understand and master the workings of a sewing machine. It is the pattern that you need you worry about ^_^

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:31 pm
by Rin_Kusanagi
@_@ *groans* I wish i had money for it . . . *sighs* But I can't get a job at 14 years old. Stupid child labor laws -_- Oh well, won't have to wait long for that^^ As soon as I turn 15 xD
Wish I could get it earlier though <_>

So what do the different patterns do? Do they just look different? Or do some of them actually hold better than others?

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:35 pm
by Amiya
Well, cosplay costumes have rather different look than normal clothing, so it is the process of altering an existing pattern or make a new one to use as reference to cut the fabric that may be a bit challenging --> at least for me it is ^_^

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:39 pm
by Rin_Kusanagi
wow . . . it all sounds so difficult o.0
Do u think if you're a fast learner you'd be able to make a good-looking costume on your first try if you be very careful and patient? Or is it bound to turn out strange-lloking on your first try?

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:47 pm
by Amiya
I think it just depends on how long you are willing to spend on it and how much effort you put into it, if you are patient and careful with the details, I'm sure your costume will turn out great... ... unner.html

The above was my first real costume, I'm not sure if you would consider it to be good-looking, but just to serve as an example...

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:51 pm
by Rin_Kusanagi
Wow! o.o I think it's amazing! The only thing I've ever sewn is a bunch of scraps stitched together . . . And I could easily pull on it and all the thread would fall out *tear*

How much experience did you ahve when u made that??

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:13 pm
by Amiya
Well, I sewed one other costume before that one, but it was by hand, so the seams and stuff are not as neat, see image below: ... Dhime.html

I think I made those two within a months of each other? So as long as you do a bit of planning, it almost always works out. For me, cosplay is about trial and error, so just try different things and see which ones work for you…the important part is to have fun!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:17 pm
by Rin_Kusanagi
Wow ^_^ Hmm, I migth actually think about making my own costume now. (of course, I can't make accessories so I'll still hafta buy those >.>)
Thank you so much!! xD

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:26 pm
by mrs.tomoe
Well, everyone started somewhere. ^_^

If you have a friend or relative who sews, they'd be the best source to learn from because they can show you directly. If your mom sews, maybe she'll show you how to do basic stuff like pillows or easy skirts or some craft items. Anything you learn can be applied to costumes. If not mom, try Grandma, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends' must know at least one person nearby who sews.

If there's no one around to teach you, there are lots of books on sewing which you can probably check out from your local library or maybe even the school library. The good ones have photos and diagrams to help explain the basic sewing terminology like the types of seams, hems, patterns, and all that jargon that can be confusing for a beginner. They have info on both hand sewing and machine sewing so you can start hand stitching right away before you get a sewing machine.

I think it's a given that any first attempt at a new skill will turn out a little goofy so you just have to expect it and keep practicing. Good luck! ^_^

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:35 pm
by Rin_Kusanagi
Thanks! I hope I can get it right. My mom sews a little, but I wish I could get help from my grandmother, who makes quilts . . . but she lives in Arizona and I live in Kentucky -.- Oh well.
I'll try my best! xD

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:58 pm
by foolforvincent53
lol, don't worry about sewing too much ^^;. I remember, i cosplayed as a random anbu and i made my costume from scratch with just old shirts lying around (i used to take tae kwan do and still have my old uniform that kinda fits and i just scrapped that to make the white vest part of it). As much as i hate to say it, i use a lot of old shirts that are kind of short on me as materials for cosplay xD. considering i never wore a few summer dresses when i was younger, i'm scrapping those (>.> <.< hopefully my mom won't find out). but anyways, sewing just takes a lot of practice... i suggest wearing a lot of thimbles though.... i'm a klutz so whenever i can, i try to wear thimbles on each finger xD. anyways, GANBATTE! :D -continues to cheer and spaz-. lol i'm still not good at sewing but its just fun to try.... yea thats coming from a 13 year old who's really immature and sees the world like a 6 year old ^_^;.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 2:11 am
by Easily_Amewsed
This is one of the friendlier forums for sewists of all abilities. They also have sewing machine & pattern reviews. I've asked for and recieved advice on handling various fabrics for the very few cosplay outfits I've made so far. ... s/

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:52 am
by Sora-Kun
Don't worry, i know the feeling. I can't sew to save myself but im going to attempt Cloud Strife's costume from Advent children so im gonna ask some of my teachers for help ^_^;;
im 15 and can't sew >_>;;.....<<;;

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:18 pm
by beautifuldreamer1289
like amiya, i am mostly self-taught. my sewing machine was a gift from my grandmother, but i aalso borrowed a friends before i got my meemaws X3 this is my first costume, it took a loooooong time to make. ... essai3.jpg

i made it initally for halloween (then it was just a red jacket like thing, no hems, and plain straight sleeves that were too tight, all made with my friends sewing machine) then fixed it up for shiokazecon 2006(april), where i added the frill on the bottom (you cant see it in that pic, but theres a frill and some lace) and the fluted sleeves, and the belts across the front to keep it on/closed, which was done with the sewing machine i got from my grandmother. i bought the bustier and shoes (4 inch heels, two inch platform = 6 inches = tall e-chan!), and used some black soffes for the shorts.

so basically, it took about 6 months to finished it all

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:14 pm
by Ookami Musume
Don't worry about your parents not liking anime, my parents don't really care for it either but my mom and dad are both VERY kind and are going to help me with my costume. *happy*

I don't know how to sow either. >_<;;; *pounds head* But don't feel too bad, a lot of the suggestions everyone has given are very good ones. I'm just going to have my parents teach me because they're both really good at sowing.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:35 pm
by aces.and.spades
There really isn't any way to tell you how to sew. Just try to be patient and all that jazz or find someone who can lend you a sewing machine.