Help Me Please!!!

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Help Me Please!!!

Post by TaraElric » Sun Nov 19, 2006 2:15 pm

Ok, first, hi poeples. Second, I need help. I want to go to an anime expo but dont know who to be. I wanna be a charater from FullMetal Alchemist.

I am about 5 feet
I am 12
I have redish blond hair
My hair is a little past me shoulders.

Who should I be? Any suggestions?

Thanks! :D

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Post by tweetychick630 » Sun Nov 19, 2006 6:51 pm

Hey, always awesome to see another FMA cosplayer =D. There are tons of people you can cosplay as because FMA has such a great ensemble cast, but for the most part just pick your favorite. Would you be willing to get a wig or dye your hair? About how much would you like to spend/sew? Those are some questions you should also consider, as they affect character choices, too. But basically, here's all of 'em:

Winry: Regular w/ Skirt, Regular Work (also zipper front work), Pink Dress and Hat, and Movie. Would require a wig
Hawkeye: Regular Military or Miniskirt - might not need a wig/dye, but....military....XD
Rose: Regular, Ballroom Dress (last few episodes), and Movie. Also require a wig
The Hughes family! Gracia/Elysia, so cute =D
Sciezka: Well....don't quite remember all her outfits, but she's got short hair!
Lyra: Regular and Movie. The hair's about the the same length, but might require dying.
Homunculi: Sloth(including Trisha), Wrath, or Envy depending on likes/dislikes
Izumi: Regular - easy but would also need a wig
Noah: She has a couple outfits. Haven't seen too many Noah's around =).
Psiren's pretty much out because of your age, although one of her non-thief outfits might work.
....Pinako since you're pretty short? XD Please don't do an Ed tirade

Manga characters! Mei Chan or Ran Fan!

For most recognizability, Winry, Hawkeye and maybe Rose are pretty good choices. The Hughes family is cute and easy, though they haven't been done too much. Lyra and Noah haven't been done too often either. Do you have any other preferences? Those are about all the characters I could think of that could even possibly work, hope that helps =D......sorry if it was a little long XD

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Post by TaraElric » Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:33 pm

Thanks for the advice! I am gonna die my hair. Ill probably go as Ed, Winry or Envy.

So, who are you gonna cosplay as?

(I dont think im short enough to be Pinako.) :)

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Post by tweetychick630 » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:32 pm

That's cool, though dying your hair sounds kind of.....painful for your hair, at least for Ed or Winry. Bleach and hair normally = straw X(. That was the reason why I got a wig for Winry! Unfortunately, I was so excited when I saw it in the Halloween store that I forgot it's pretty impossible to put cheap wigs up in my Winry shall have her hair down until I get the money for a better wig XD.

I also did a really rushed Noah for the FMA movie, and it wouldn't take too long to finish, but I'm probably still gonna just go as Winry to ALA unless I find out there'll be a hoard of Winrys there. Plus, I can't figure out what kind of dance Noah does at the end! Wish I could learn it :( , that'd really be an incentive to finish her costume.....

Sorry for the uber long post XD. Good luck with your cosplay!

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Post by gravigurl » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:47 pm

Yay more FMA cosplayers.....I'm going to be going with my husband as the Hughes family. I'm with child so this works for me really easily. I love Rose though so I may make her robes to hide the belly.

Some store bought wigs arent that bad. I have a black one that I am puting into braids and it's not that bad looking.
I am open for prop Commissions from the following series: Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Sailor Moon and cardcaptors Sakura.

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Post by TaraElric » Thu Nov 30, 2006 6:37 pm

Thanks everyone. :D Tommorro Im dying my haly perminantly. Ill probably die it blonde so I can look like Ed all the time! I wore my Ed cosplay outfit to school and evryone thought I was wierd. Yay me! Thanks again guys! :D :)

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