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HELP MEEEEEE!!! I'm stuck on how to work with Lulu's costume

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 5:18 pm
by saihi_slowmotionhunter
Heh..... ^.^..... hi, um, i'm new here.... and I need help? THis has only been my second costume (my first one was my Yuna wedding dress. it turned out okay) and i think i'm dead. For the fabric/material for lul's costume, I've bought canvas leather, and it's really really thick and sorta hard to work with. I've suddenly realized that now I've just bought the thing; how the heck do I work with it...?[/b]

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 5:44 pm
by Hemuloki-sama
You're to have to do one of two things. Suffer through handsewing tha tmonster or use a sewing machine designed for it. I know a few machines that aren't built for such heavy stuff but will still do it if you're nice to it.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 6:57 pm
by Dark_Tiger
I know Tia's moderatly high end Singer will go through upholstry pleather like butter, but I'm not real sure what canvas leather is.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 9:45 am
by Juci
Dark_Tiger wrote:I know Tia's moderatly high end Singer will go through upholstry pleather like butter, but I'm not real sure what canvas leather is.
It's really thick stuff. It's like the leather used to make sofas. :shock: My Singer sewing machine can't even handle thick fur... I think sewing by hands is the best way to do this.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 9:46 am
by saihi_slowmotionhunter
um... I have a working sewing machine that workds the cnvas well, but I mean like, attaching the arms to the corset thingie.... and the fur... how do I work with the fur?!

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 10:14 am
by Hemuloki-sama
You can handsew the fur on.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 7:11 pm
by saihi_slowmotionhunter
but.. .before I get to the fur.. I need to attach the arms/thingie to the corset...... any advice?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 7:25 pm
by mindtailor
I suggest you attatch the inside edge of the sleeves to the upper edge of the corset, though that may hinder motion. You may want to attatch the fur to the corset, then the sleeves to the fur, making it easier to adjust them, if that makes any sense.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 7:28 pm
by saihi_slowmotionhunter
then would I have to cut a bit of a semi-circle to attach the fur? Because it would be stuck with the little wall between arm and corset.....

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 8:02 pm
by mindtailor
What? You'd have the corset with two sleeve-arms hanging off the sides, then you'd take the fur and make a tube out of it, which you would then attatch to the front and the back of the corset part, using snaps or buttons or whatnot to be able to remove it to actually be able to lace the corset. You'd attatch the top of the sleeves to the inside (facing you) of the fur tube, so they wouldn't fall down or anything.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 10:07 am
by saihi_slowmotionhunter
.... i sorta get it... but I sorta don't.... T.T...... so I would have the sleeves and the corset's edges sown together, but the fur's not there yet, right? and then I sew the fur to the front, but in the back I use snaps or buttons so that I could lace the corset... right? i'm right, right?

T.T confused...... so confused....

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 11:13 am
by AdrienneO
This is just my 2 cents:

I personally think Lulu is too challenging a costume for a novice. Lulu's outfit is VERY difficult, no matter what fabric you choose to make it out of. Perhaps you should try something a little easier for now, and then attempt Lulu when you have more sewing skills.

However, if you still want to make it, I will give you advice:

I am working on a Lulu costume right now. My suggestion is NOT to sew the fur directly to the corset. I'd make the fur detachable: by making it attatch to the corset via snaps.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 11:31 am
by saihi_slowmotionhunter
thanks for your concern, but i do have some experiance. i learned a lot from my past two failure costumes, and i have three sucessful ones. I just wasn’t surewhat to do with lulu is all, since there’s not much refernce pics to use.

I’m half way through with the Lulu costume, I’m just have trouble withminor things.

I take your advice and use straps, althugh the fur i’m using is a creamish color with suede underneath. But as for the straps, do I attach them on the inside of the corset so that when attached, the fur flows out, or do I make the straps on the out side of the corset, so that the fur falls plainly?

And the cord for the corset in the back is a tan/brown color, right?