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Tira Misu - The Whole Nine Yards

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:12 pm
by MagicalCosplayerGirlAngel
Okay. I'm going to eventually cosplay as Tira Misu.. from the manga. AS YOU SEE (or I don't..) NOBODY WHO DOES COSPLAY HER!! >_<!


'Scuse me. ^^'

Nonetheless.. I have the whip, the glasses, the hair, and the cloak.. but.. I need the dominatrix suit!! TT_TT'

I was wondering if there were any cosplayers (experience, novice, etc) who would be able to help me find a nice dominatrix lingerie suit that seems Tira-like. (Or if I should've posted this under the Buy and Sell section to request a suit custom made for me... o_o'')

Thank you all muchly in advance. (More questions may arise along the way...)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:49 am
by pegasusmaiden
there are plenty of suits like that that you can modify or embellish to look like the tira suit. Having something skin tight made is difficult for commissioners who don't live close to you and it can cost more then buying one and altering it yourself. So if you have some sewing skills I suggest you buy one and try altering it yourself before trying a full commission.
Buying from online stores you will be looking at a price range of $40-$80 depending on quality of material whether it is real leather, pleather, or vinyl.
Buying from Mall stores or Shops it ranges from $50-$90 again depending on material.
Buying from Ebay you might get lucky and get one for $20-$40 but no gurantees on quality and ebay is always a risk of poor business practice.

If it doesn't fit you can buy one and take it to a local taylor for alterations.
And you can buy one and send it to a commissioner if you are shy about taking it to a store for alterations.

I charge average about $30-$40 depending on how much needed to be done. If it is as simple as taking in two seams then $15 will do, but you will have to cover shipping.

Commission should be the last resort if you can't find something similar or have friends that can help/teach you the basics. You can try local sewing classes, sewing is useful even outside of cosplay.
I am a commissioner, outside of making costumes I make about 70% of my own wardrobe.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:57 am
by pegasusmaiden

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 12:29 pm
by MagicalCosplayerGirlAngel
Arigatou~ *_*

Out of curiousity, since my sewing skills are.. well.. pfft.. not so great, how much would you charge for the red cloak?

*tackles Pegasus Maiden* Arigayou! >w< (You have no idea how much you helped me. Looking through my mother's Fredrich's magazine was scary.. o_o')