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Shaman King Len Outfit

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 6:26 pm
by A-20
Hi y'all. I'm here yet again to ask for some help on making a costume.^^;;; I was thinking of making a Len costume.Anyone have any idea how to make it and do the hair?
Any info will help.


Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:35 pm
by Sterling
I'm utterly clueless.........

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:00 pm
by A-20
lol. Ok thanks anyway, Sterling.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:42 pm
by mindtailor
reference images would be a great starter...

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 7:01 am
by mrs.tomoe
Try looking at this info to style the hair:

In the middle, under the Cloud picture, he gives tips on styling spiked hair. I think it would work well for Ren's crazy style. I don't have any suggestions for what type of wig to start with though. Probably pick something slightly longer than what you think you'll need because you never know how putting the hair up will affect the length, especially with that "horn" on the back of his head. ^_^

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:41 pm
by A-20
mindtailor wrote:reference images would be a great starter... ... oren15.jpg ... 01/ren.jpg

Here's the outfit of his I wanna make.

Thanks for the link, Mrs.Tomoe. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 8:17 am
by mrs.tomoe
You're welcome. ^_^
You know, when I read your post, I skipped the "it" in "how to make it" and thought you were asking about the wig only. Dur, me.

For Ren's clothes, I think you can use a pattern for a fleece vest but choose a smaller size than what you'd normally wear so that it's more fitted since those type of vests are usually baggy. Use a yellow separating zipper in the front, and add the yellow decorations and trim with bias tape -- double fold for the collar, arms, and hem, single fold for the X's. If you want to make it actually lace up in the front, you'll have to figure that out yourself. You will still need the zipper though. Cut a yin shape and a dot from white fabric for the symbol on his back. Try to use a non-fraying fabric, but if that's not possible, fusible web should keep any fabric in place regardless.

Any baggy pants pattern should be OK for the pants: pajamas, scrubs, workout pants, etc. The tricky part will be the two diamond-shaped cutouts on the sides. Actually, I guess they're just squares, not elongated, right? That helps. Hmm...I'd say, draw the square on paper to use as a guide to make the trim of yellow double fold bias tape. Look at the corner joints on a wooden picture frame, and that's how you want your bias tape to meet up for this shape. Leave a 1/2 inch seam allowance and open the tape to sew the pieces together; you should be sewing a V shape. Trim the seam allowance after sewing if it's too bulky. When you're done, you should have 2 yellow "frames" that you can fit like gaskets into the cutouts in the pants. If none of that made sense, just ask, and I can try to explain further. ^^; The rest of the yellow decorations on Ren's pants can be single fold bias tape, cut to size, etc. Before you sew the diamonds into place, you should sew on the 2 yellow stripes from the bottom point to the ankle so that you can tuck the ends under the diamond "frame" and have a nice finish.

Seems like most of the SK characters need a lot of bias tape! Again, if you need clarification, feel free to ask.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:21 am
by A-20
Wow.Loooong explaination,yet alas, half of it doesn't make the least bit o' sense to me. =_= Care to put the pant part in a more simplified version for someone who's not smart about all the sewing and fabric stuff? ^^;;;

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 9:03 am
by mrs.tomoe
OK, no problem. Wasn't sure how much sewing experience you had or anything. I'll write an explanation later because we're busy with Easter fun this weekend. I hope you're not in a hurry. :?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 7:50 pm
by A-20
Just so ya know, I have absolutely no sewing experience unless you count making a pillow,but even that turned out bad. :cry:
But I'm in no hurry, so take your time. ^_^

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 8:19 am
by mrs.tomoe
OK. Even with very little sewing skill, this costume should be about medium on an easy to hard scale. So, not super simple, but not headache inducing difficult either. The zipper will probably be the most challenging part of actual sewing because zippers usually are that way. The diamonds on the sides of the pants are just tricky to plan out and prepare (and to explain w/o pictures or hands-on), but actually sewing them is fairly simple.

First, let's talk about bias tape. It's basically a type of ribbon made of cotton fabric. Bias sorta means "cut on the diagonal." This allows the tape to go around curves without getting all bunched up and wrinkly. It comes in several widths and has two types: single fold and double fold. Single = the long edges have been folded and ironed to one side of the tape (the "back" side). If you need a visual aid, take a 2-inch wide strip of paper and fold about 1/2 inch of the long edges toward the center of the strip; that's it. Now, double fold starts like a single, but adds a fold down the center -- like a taco. Take your single-folded paper strip and fold it in half longways with the folded edges toward the inside to see how it would look.

Single fold tape is good for decorations such as the stripes that go down the sides of Ren's pants. Double fold tape is great for finishing edges such as the hem of his shirt, the collar, and the arms because it encases the edge of the fabric and prevents fraying.

When you measure and cut bias tape to fit where you need it, leave 1/4 to 1/2 inch extra on each end to allow you to fold it under to prevent fraying and give a clean, finished look. In an area where the ends will overlap (the arm holes on Ren's shirt for example), you'd only need to fold under the end of the tape that's on top of the other one.

When sewing, simply sew near the edge of the tape to secure it. With the double fold tape, make sure your needle goes through both layers, especially if you're using a sewing machine since you can only see the top layer while you sew. When you look at double fold tape, you'll notice that it's usually not folded precisely down the center so one side will be slightly bigger/taller than the other. Try to put the bigger side underneath so you'll have a better chance of catching it with your needle. With hand sewing, it's easier to check since you can inspect both sides as you go along.

That concludes today's crash course on bias tape. (Whew!) Next time: the pants. ^_^

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 4:25 pm
by A-20
Hmmm....all right. *nods* I think I get it. :D Thanks.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 7:23 pm
by Pokegirl
you'll get it Amy:D besides,this helps me out ALOT also,glad you asked how to make a len costume:D

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 10:12 am
by A-20
Pokegirl wrote:you'll get it Amy:D besides,this helps me out ALOT also,glad you asked how to make a len costume:D
Well, glad to be of assistance to ya,Misty. :D
*whispers* Besides, I had to ask. Or I wouldn't know where or how to start this costume.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:19 am
by mrs.tomoe
I'm glad my yammering about bias tape was helpful. Besides being necessary for 90% of Shaman King costumes, it's just handy for all sorts of things.

Today's installment of 'pants' begins.

Any matte, black fabric will do for this costume. Knit fabric generally doesn't fray; woven usually does. Pinking shears, with their zigzag teeth, help reduce fraying. Some fabrics have a front/right side and a back/wrong side; others don't. Pay attention to it so you don't sew things inside often ^^;

The basic pants should be very easy to sew because they are just 2 pieces of fabric -- one for each leg. Add 3-4 inches of height to the top of the pattern before you cut out the fabric because the waistband will go a little differently from what normal pattern instructions would say. Follow their instructions for leg & crotch seams then switch to these guides for the waist & cuffs. Ren's pants look like they're tied with that white belty thing, but it also looks like the pants stick up over the top of the belty though you bunched up the top of a sack and tied it shut. However, you don't want to depend on that white thingy to actually hold your pants up so you'll make it elasticized. Waist elastic should be 3/4 to 1 inch wide. Turn the pants inside/wrong side out and fold 4 inches of the waist fabric to the wrong side; measure all the way around to stay consistent, and pin in place. Two inches lower than the fold (top of pants), you'll be making a "tunnel" (casing) for the elastic to go through. So use a white pencil to mark 2 inches from the fold all around the waist, then mark another sewing line 3 1/4 inches from the fold. This will give you a 1 1/4-inch casing for your elastic. Sew the 2-inch line completely; then when sewing the second line, leave an opening of roughly 1 1/2 inches to be able to insert elastic. If you're hand sewing, just let your thread & needle dangle because you'll need to finish sewing afterwards. Measure and cut elastic for your waist, push it through the casing, overlap the ends 1 inch, and stitch firmly in an X or square pattern. Don't skimp on this part because it has to withstand a lot of stress. Try on the pants to make sure they aren't too loose or tight, and if they're OK, tuck in the elastic, and finish stitching that opening you left. When you turn the pants right side out, none of the lines drawn or the raw edge of the fabric will be visible.

The cuffs are done similarly but without that extra "sticky up" bit. It's best to wait until after sewing the yellow decorations to do the cuffs. Follow the pattern's instructions for hemming, but leave an opening to insert elastic. 1/4 or 3/8-inch elastic should be fine for cuffs. Measure your ankles, thread elastic through the hems, overlap the ends 1/2 inch, and stitch firmly. Tuck in the elastic, and finish sewing the hem.

Next time, the final installment: yellow pants stripes. ^_^

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 5:12 am
by A-20
ooooo...I'll attempt to do that.But if it doesn't work,I'm havin' someone make it for me. ^^;;; Don't know who,but I'll find someone.^^;;;

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:16 am
by mrs.tomoe
OK, sorry it's taken such a long time to finish this. I doubt you'll have any trouble with the pants because the only thing different from a regular pattern is moving the waistband down and sticking elastic into the hems.

Today's installment of yellow decorations begins.

This should be pretty short, I hope. To me, the diamonds on the sides of the pants look like squares turned on a corner which should make it pretty easy to draw. First, figure out how big you want the design to be then draw the square on a paper. Draw a dark X through it from corner to corner.

I decided that it'll be easier to use a skin-colored panel rather than actually cutting the shapes out of the pant legs. So, look around for fabric that matches your skin. If the fabric seems thin, just use a double layer so the black of the pants doesn't show through as much. You'll need only a little fabric since all you're doing is cutting a few squares. Cut these squares about 1/4 inch smaller than the paper pattern you drew.

Now's the tricky part. Take single fold, yellow bias tape and place it along one side of your square pattern so that the outside edge of the tape touches the line. Except for the ends, the tape should lie inside the square. I hope you can see the lines of the X through the tape. It marks the angle you'll need to cut the ends of the tape to make a nice square. However, don't cut exactly on the lines because that would make your shape too small after sewing. Keep the angle, but add 1/4 or so to each end for seam allowance. Measure and cut 4 pieces of tape.

To sew the tape, open/unfold it first. Place 2 pieces face to face/right side to right side. They should match like twins, angles and all. Stitch one end together, then add the next piece and stitch it until all 4 pieces have been attached. When finished, it should look like a square picture frame. Fold the edges of the tape back since you'd unfolded it to sew. You may need to trim the seam allowances a bit if the corners are too chunky. Do whatever you need to make the corners decent (press to one side or other, trim, fold, whatever...); may require ironing.

When you place it on top of the skin-colored squares you cut, this yellow frame should cover the edges of the square. Now you can either sew the frame to the "skin," then sew that to the pants like a patch, or sew the "skin" to the pants first, then add the frame.

Darn, almost forgot. You ought to sew the vertical stripes down the pant legs first before putting on the diamonds so that the diamonds can cover the ends of the stripes for a nice finish. The rest of the decorations are pretty straightforward: measure, cut, and sew -- lather rinse repeat. ^_^

I think that about covers it. I wouldn't normally do this type of thing, but I really like Shaman King. I've made a couple of characters and plan to make a few more one of these days. If you come up with other questions while you're working along, post again, and we'll see what kind of trouble we can cause. Good luck with it. Post pictures when you're done! ^_^

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:19 am
by A-20
Ok, thanks a whole lot,Mrs.Tomoe! *glomps*

I'll do my best to make it.With my dad's assistance,of course, since my mother won't lend me a hand. :| She's all against me doing this, but oh well.I'm gonna do it anyways. :lol:

And if it turns out any good, I'll post pictures. ^_^

Oh,and Mrs.Tomoe, I have another question. I was just re-reading through the instructions on how to make the pants and stuff, and you said something about getting a skin colored fabric that matched my skin right? Would it look bad/tacky if it didn't match my skin? Because more or less, the skin tone colors I'll find won't match mine.I'm very white/pale. -_-;;;

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:58 am
by mrs.tomoe
You're welcome!
Would it look bad/tacky if it didn't match my skin? Because more or less, the skin tone colors I'll find won't match mine.I'm very white/pale. -_-;;;
It doesn't have to match exactly. As long as it's pretty close, it should look fine because the diamonds are a fairly small area and are isolated so you don't have to worry about blending them in. You're just creating the illusion of having "windows" cut into your pants. And you don't have to search only in the color range of what would typically be considered skintones. Look at every fabric you think is close to your own color, and pick the best one even if it's just plain old white cotton or muslin.

That's cool that your dad will help you with your costume. How come mom's not so keen on the idea? I'm not encouraging you to be rebellious or anything because if she has legitimate concerns, they need to be addressed, and you do need to listen to your mom if you're a young 'un. ^_^ I'm a mom too, and I guess if your mom doesn't feel goofy about talking to some online person she's never met, we could have a motherly chat over the e-mail or something. It's nice for cosplay to be something the whole family can enjoy if possible.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:16 am
by A-20
mrs.tomoe wrote:That's cool that your dad will help you with your costume. How come mom's not so keen on the idea? I'm not encouraging you to be rebellious or anything because if she has legitimate concerns, they need to be addressed, and you do need to listen to your mom if you're a young 'un. ^_^ I'm a mom too, and I guess if your mom doesn't feel goofy about talking to some online person she's never met, we could have a motherly chat over the e-mail or something. It's nice for cosplay to be something the whole family can enjoy if possible.
Or, at least I think my dad will help the best he can. ^^;;;
I'm not that young.I'm 15,plus I'm already somewhat rebellious so no need to worry there. :P. But I'm not sure why she isn't keen on helping me. She just doesn't want to I guess. She won't tell me why. :( Alls I know is she doesn't really want me to go to the convention but my dad is A-OK with it.

I could always ask my ma if she'd like to talk to ya,about what,I'm not sure. ^^;;

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:31 am
by mrs.tomoe
I mostly use "young 'un" as a term of endearment. ^_^ I know you're not a little kiddie, but you're not an adult yet either.

It's not a super big deal, but I just thought if there was a misunderstanding or something on your mom's part, I could help clear that up. You know, like if she was worried about your safety at the con, or that cosplay would get expensive or interfere with schoolwork, or whatever. Even if she doesn't want to help with construction, it'd be nice if she were at least happy for you. You don't want cosplay to become a thing that causes trouble and arguments.

But it's your family, and I don't want to be a busybody so I'll bugger off. ^_^

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 2:38 am
by A-20
I think she's worried about my safety and the cost of the convention.But I'm not for sure, that's just my hunch.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:10 am
by Pokegirl
the conventions are fairly safe,probably safer in,it's good to ahve a cosplay group,I guess..

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:32 am
by A-20
Pokegirl wrote:the conventions are fairly safe,probably safer in,it's good to ahve a cosplay group,I guess..
Ah,probably. If not, just scream bloody murder and watch everyone freeze :P Or cover their ears in my case :lol:

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:26 pm
by Pokegirl
lol.if any thing would happen to ya while I'm aroudn I'll kick some ass for you

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:19 am
by mrs.tomoe
Yeah, a convention's not any more or less dangerous than any other crowded place like a theme park or the shopping mall. Do all the usual things like stay together in a group of friends or with at least one other friend and make sure your folks know who you're with. Never go to anyone else's hotel room; whatever it is they're offering (free stuff, a party, food, etc), it's not worth it. (I sound like a mom, don't I? :roll: )

Some cons offer a free or reduced-price pass for parents who are only chaperoning their kid(s). That should help out regarding expenses if your folks aren't thrilled about buying a pass for you and themselves too. I think once you turn 16 (may differ from state to state), you can volunteer to work at the con or in the dealer room and earn yourself a free pass. If you're staying at a hotel, rooming with your friends and splitting the cost is the best way to reduce that expense. Someone's parent(s) definitely needs to accompany you all in that case because most hotels won't even let you check in without them, and no responsible parent would send their high schooler on an overnighter without a guardian anyway.

As with any big crowd, there'll be a few loonies who do stupid things... being loud and abrasive, running/chasing, or mock fighting that turns into the real thing. Don't encourage them.

Basically, pay attention and have a good time. ^_^

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:02 am
by A-20
Yes, you kind of do sound like a mom, but nothin' wrong with that. (I don't think. ^^;; )

I have another question though,Mrs.Tomoe. But its not about the Len costume. I still have to try to convince my mom to help me with that,or at least help me get the materials (the right ones).
I was wondering if you had a good idea on how to make a Chloe/Morphine costume. Lyserg's little spirit from Shaman King. My friend suggested I buy a pink dress and like sew it together or something like that. That seems like a lot of trouble.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:18 am
by A-20
Oh, here are some pictures of her.



Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 7:36 am
by mrs.tomoe
Heehee. I made a Morphine costume last year. It was for my daughter so I made it shirt and pants instead of jumpsuit. You could alter a dress like your friend said, but you're also right in thinking it would be troublesome to figure out.

For the least sewing, you'd have to find a flouncy outfit similar to hers either in pink or in white that you could dye. I'm thinking '70s, flared, disco attire. Either a jumpsuit or pants & shirt.

For a little more sewing, check some dancewear suppliers for a unitard, and add a sheer tunic made of pink sparkle tulle to get the flared sleeves and for the fairy dust effect. Also use the sparkle tulle to make the flares for the pants. Might need a double layer or possibly 2 colors since she has that darker section. Tulle is easy to sew by machine, and you don't have to worry about hemming it because it doesn't fray.

Paint the yellow poppy onto a separate fabric, cut out, and stitch or glue to the left pantleg.

For the most sewing, make the whole outfit from scratch. I used Butterick pattern #6753 for the 2-piece set (pants from version C, shirt from v. B). Kwik Sew #3052 is a pretty simple bodysuit pattern. The front neckline of version B is a bit low for Morphine, but that can be easily altered by copying the higher back neckline for the front.

Hope that helps a bit. ^_^

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 10:17 am
by A-20
mrs.tomoe wrote:Heehee. I made a Morphine costume last year. It was for my daughter so I made it shirt and pants instead of jumpsuit. You could alter a dress like your friend said, but you're also right in thinking it would be troublesome to figure out.

For the least sewing, you'd have to find a flouncy outfit similar to hers either in pink or in white that you could dye. I'm thinking '70s, flared, disco attire. Either a jumpsuit or pants & shirt.

For a little more sewing, check some dancewear suppliers for a unitard, and add a sheer tunic made of pink sparkle tulle to get the flared sleeves and for the fairy dust effect. Also use the sparkle tulle to make the flares for the pants. Might need a double layer or possibly 2 colors since she has that darker section. Tulle is easy to sew by machine, and you don't have to worry about hemming it because it doesn't fray.

Paint the yellow poppy onto a separate fabric, cut out, and stitch or glue to the left pantleg.

For the most sewing, make the whole outfit from scratch. I used Butterick pattern #6753 for the 2-piece set (pants from version C, shirt from v. B). Kwik Sew #3052 is a pretty simple bodysuit pattern. The front neckline of version B is a bit low for Morphine, but that can be easily altered by copying the higher back neckline for the front.

Hope that helps a bit. ^_^
You made a Morphin outfit for your daughter? Cool! ^_^

Sounds like I could make it easy enough. Thanks for the help! If I have any more questions, mind if I message ya or somethin'? Thanks. :D

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 6:05 am
by mrs.tomoe
A-20 wrote:You made a Morphin outfit for your daughter? Cool! ^_^
Yep. I used a pajama fabric -- satin that had a fuzzy flannel backing. It also had little stars woven all over it which I liked because otherwise, Morphin's outfit was a little bland. It turned out really comfy!

You're welcome for any help I could give. ^_^ Yay for Shaman King cosplay! Send a message anytime.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 8:02 am
by A-20
Is there anything you recommend for the pants/outfit besides pajama bottoms,like you have done, and a disco type thing or a unitard...though I could ask my dad where my neice takes ballet lessons to see if I could buy one from them or something. ^^;;; I doubt I'd find anything like that around here.Unless you know some stores that have that kind of stuff.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 12:47 pm
by mrs.tomoe
Hmm...well, you could try leggings or flared pants and a peasant-style blouse with the big sleeves. That could look cute. It might be hard to find them in pink in juniors or ladies sizes, but you never know.

The only way to get Morphine's exact outfit would be to make the entire thing from scratch, but the stretchy types of fabric you'd want to use probably wouldn't be very friendly to someone who hasn't done a lot of sewing. If you want to improvise with other clothes, you just have to try to keep it fairy-like...kind of dreamy and shimmering. Be sure to scour your local resale shops and thrift stores.

For dance supplies, Danskin and Capezio are a couple of brands that have online stores. is a good place too. There are some other suppliers that other people have recommended that I can't remember right now. ^^;

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 6:52 pm
by A-20
mrs.tomoe wrote:Hmm...well, you could try leggings or flared pants and a peasant-style blouse with the big sleeves. That could look cute. It might be hard to find them in pink in juniors or ladies sizes, but you never know.

The only way to get Morphine's exact outfit would be to make the entire thing from scratch, but the stretchy types of fabric you'd want to use probably wouldn't be very friendly to someone who hasn't done a lot of sewing. If you want to improvise with other clothes, you just have to try to keep it fairy-like...kind of dreamy and shimmering. Be sure to scour your local resale shops and thrift stores.

For dance supplies, Danskin and Capezio are a couple of brands that have online stores. is a good place too. There are some other suppliers that other people have recommended that I can't remember right now. ^^;
Ok,I'll try that.Thanks a lot,Mrs.Tomoe. *bows*