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Lothric Knight Foam Size Help

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 5:57 am
by drtongue
Let me start off by saying I am new to cosplay, and this is my first attempt at creating a costume using EVA foam. I am working on building the Lothric Knight armor from Dark Souls 3. For those that are unfamiliar it looks like your basic medieval knight plate armor.

So far I have used 12mm EVA foam floor tiles bought at a local hardware store. As I have been progressing my build I am beginning to wonder if 12mm is too thick to use for the entire suit of armor. I have the helm, chest, pauldrons, and shield finished and they look and feel fine fine to me as far as the thickness goes. But when I got done with the assembly of one of the legs (greaves/knee/thigh) and put it on I feel like it will appear too bulky when I look down at it.

I realize I could order some thinner 5/6mm foam online (locally the only other size I could buy is 2mm). Before I make that decision though I wanted to ask how common it is for cosplayers to use the thick 12mm foam for an entire build. I assume the answer would apply mainly to those that have made plate armor with EVA. My budget is also becoming an issue. Perhaps I am being too critical at this stage, but I've spent about 80 hours on this currently. I'm a little concerned I'll end up looking like a "stay puft marshmallow" knight.