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Props for Talim

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:45 pm
by eastern_art
Hi all. I'm new here. Yay! Well, anyway.. I need some ideas on how to make Talim's (from Soul Calibur 2) necklace and weapons. I have SOME ideas, but I don't know how to make the necklace "bendable" so I can put it on my neck and take it off. Here's a picture of what she looks like...


Thanks! ^.^

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:14 pm
by Alchem
There are almost to many ways to name for the weapons... whats your budget and time frame

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:07 pm
by Dark_Tiger
A few more detailed pics:

For the necklace, I wouldn't even try to make it bendable, I'd make it in 2 parts and have it clasp onto your neck. Here's what I'm talking about:

First, make one half of the necklace (or torque). I'd make it by making a origional out of clay and molding 2 pieces with polyester resin. You could make both pieces out of sculpty, but why would you want to?

Then comes the sneaky part. Where the two pieces come together in the back, on the inside epoxy glue elastic to the two pieces. That gives you a "hinge" that you can't see, even when your ponytail doesn't block it as well as giving you a little breathing room when it comes to perfectly measuring your neck. In the front, I'd use a lobster claw necklace hook or two to hold it together.

Then all you have to do is make all the extra regular necklace parts and you're home free.

For the knives, I'd make those out of wood, with carved resin or even metal ornamation if your budget and skill stretches that far.


Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:28 pm
by eastern_art
Thanks, Dark_Tiger for the info. I was thinking of doing something like that.. but I wanted to hold off on it.

As for my budget and time schedule. Cheapest would be best. But not dirt cheap so it doesn't look good. I mean, if I have to splurge on it... I will. Just.. not TOO much of a splurge. I need this done by mid-late August for Otakon 2005.

Re: Props for Talim

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:05 pm
by Fialchar
eastern_art wrote:so I can put it on my neck and take it off.
Taking off your neck sounds painful :shock:

Re: Props for Talim

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 2:08 pm
by Dark_Tiger
Fialchar wrote:
eastern_art wrote:so I can put it on my neck and take it off.
Taking off your neck sounds painful :shock:

Okay, if you're looking for cheap, but not TOO cheap, and need it by August, you'll want to go with wood, wood and more wood. I find that you get the best cost/time results with wood.

I'm assuming you have access to:

a jigsaw and/or bandsaw
A Dremel and/or wood chisels
A lot of wood fill (for hiding small mistakes and wood imperfections as well as making the fine detail work. If you have filler left over, you didn't use enough.)

Also, it's a good idea to use a smooth grain hardwood. This isn't cheap, but for the amounts we're talking about, shouldn't exceed $35 or so.

Also, prime several times before you paint. That hides the wood grain you'd otherwise see.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 5:37 am
by Alchem
I'd suggest substituting foam for wood, unless you do have those dremels etc etc... Foam can be sealed and can look nice painted..also a lot cheaper and easier to cut.

****IF you have the wood tools**** follow the wood idea, you will be glad you did