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Hmmm, I'm stuck

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 5:52 am
by Jannette
I know this is a pretty n00b question, but, i'm not sure what fabric to get to make the yuna outfit for FFx-2(the gunner one). This will be my first Cosplay costume i have ever made!.. i'm just can't think of what fabric to use. :?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 9:18 am
by Tia
The shorts are supposed to be jeans. The top and side-skirt could probably be 100% cotton. You have to iron it before you start working on it, though. It wrinkles like a demon.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 12:13 pm
by Hemuloki-sama
Bah, I don't like how the shorts would be jeans. I would pick another fabric that was like it but yet not.

But then again, I just hate the feel of jeans.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 3:03 pm
by Laura92
The hood is obviously a sweatshirt fabric.

Yes, use cotton for the skirt, but get a light blue or white since you have to gradient dye it. The booty shorts are jeans or just a dark blue color.

For the top, since it is white and thus sheer, I'd use a thicker poly/cotton blend or maybe 2 layers of whatever you use.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 5:11 pm
by Phanari
I'm with Loki, jeans are obnocious. You can use a spandex-dennim just as nicely if not better. It would certainly be a lot more comfortable. As for the top, cotton would be your best bet. You have to be careful when cosplaying Yuna, though. Because people are VERY crittical when it comes to FF costumes. They might not say it to your face, but they'll burn you with the heat of their eyes.
WAHH! More POTO. I seriously need to get a life.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 6:49 pm
by Hemuloki-sama
Phanari, you know how to say it. People do burn you when you cosplay something like that...they look for mistakes, for something to pull you apart from the others.

A spandex-denim though! Augh, that would look nice!

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:16 pm
by Phanari
You should hear my sister when we look at cosplay online. We see the FF's and she goes nuts! "OH NO, THAT'S A TERRIBLE YUNA! Paine's hair is wrong! NO NO NO!!!!" It's so much fun, I think I should film it and send it to America's Funniest Home Videos.
And thanks for the compliment, Loki. ::bows and tips hat::

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 6:49 pm
by Hemuloki-sama
>.> I will never admit that I judge people so's one of the reasons why I never accept the position of Judge for a Masquerade.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:00 pm
by Phanari
Everyone's picky in their own way about some type of costume. I'm really picky when it comes to colors, but otherwise I just go with the flow.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 1:38 pm
by Hemuloki-sama
I'm picky when it comes to types of fabric and size. If something is longer or bigger than it's suppose to be, I freak out.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:25 pm
by Phanari
You'd hate the costume I've been commisioned to make then. It's Faye Valentine and she wants to shorts to be modest. Though I don't blame her, I kinda don't understand. She says her parents won't let her wear shorts that short, but they don't mind the top showing hewy Dewy and Louis.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:46 pm
by Hemuloki-sama
Man, I really don't mind modesty points but I honestly just have to say if you're going to be bothered with modesty, don't make the costume. There are tons of others that are similiar to it but not.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:47 pm
by Phanari
I just think it's weird that she won't show her legs, but she'll show anything else.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:44 pm
by Tia
The whole point of being Faye is fanservice, though. It's... un-Faye like.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:24 pm
by Laura92

No, FF costumes get the full 9 yards (a pun!) from people. I did my Yuna gun mage (you can go see it) and people were all like "The skirt tiers aren't supposed to be seperate, they're all sewn together" and "The sun emblem had WAY more rays on it than yours does". But that was from, the bitches. *grumble*

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:45 pm
by Phanari
I find to be very stuck up. Cosplaylab, now that's another story.
But if you want a real FF critic, talk to my sister. She goes nuts on her little rants. I just hope she doesn't hate the Paine costume I'm making her for Grad. It's costing a lot of cash.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:02 am
by Tia
All the feedback I've gotten from was constructive, though. Yes, a lot of people on there are perfectionists, but I'm guilty of that, too. I've stopped giving my opinion on things unless people really ask for it. It seems to help a bit, because I can be pretty blunt sometimes.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:05 pm
by Phanari
Everyone's picky. But isn't nice about it. Sure their critism is meant to be constructive, but the way they speak to you if you screw up is very demeaning. They use little words and throw in a few distasteful insults thinking you won't notice. A lot like this guy in the flute section was before he switched to trombone. He acted like he knew everything and we were all the feeble lemmings who knew nothing and he'd try to flaunt what he knew by using big words he didn't even know the meaning of. With that, I tend to laugh out loud in my gut and smile and nod to them. Then, when I'm amongst friends, we rant our brains out.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 6:14 pm
by Hemuloki-sama
Cosplaylab doesn't even have a place where you can even talk with the other members. It's not ideal for helping with your costume that's for sure unless you personally email the people about the costume or go to

The thing that I really don't like about is that most people don't have a tendency to read things there. There may be hundreds of threads on a topic and someone will post something.

In most places besides this one, to name one, I don't give out any wig advice. Katie Bair, Sarcasm-hime, Gren, and tons of other wig experts are there to freely give it and I won't add in my two cents unless something is wrong.

I seem to work that way since I wouldn't have answered a lot of posts here or even paid much attention to Laura's Shiva wig help thread unless there way something off about it. I saw the yarn thing and that's when I decided to post, even after Laura personally PMed me.

I also never answer anything on costumes. It's not my strong point so therefore, I will leave it to the people better at it than me. Tia came to me twice, once for the Lulu wig and once for a critique on her Sailor Moon costume and if either had been in a thread and not a PM, I wouldn't have answered either until something came up that I knew was a bit off. But because Tia is my friend, I decided to help out with both since she personally came to me about both.

Well, I told her to PM me and talk to me one on one with the Lulu wig so yea, that shouldn't really count.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:55 pm
by Tia
*hugs* Yeah, I really appreciate the help. The wig is shaping up okay, but I'm having trouble getting the ponytail right to fit on my head. A friend of mine said that she's gonna help me put it up while it's on me next weekend, though. So I might post some pictures then so you can see how it's coming along. I consider the Lulu thing help, mainly because I was asking about it first, and I probably would've PMed you eventually anyways.

There are a lot of details that are easy to miss with costumes. There are also some artistic license bits that people will disagree on, and because of that they will just right you off. I won't do that. I try to be honest with people about issues with a costume, though. I know my costumes aren't perfect, and I think sometimes people assume that I think they are because of the way I analyze all costumes. It's not that I'm saying that my costumes are up to that level, that's just what I strive for.

Personally, I give simple wig advice on only because usually I'm there a lot and sometimes people will overlook some of the threads. That's another thing I've noticed about It takes people a while to accept you and help you out with stuff.

I would join cosplaylab, but for me the not being able to communicate with fellow cosplayers on there is a big issue. If there was a forum, I might join it. It just feels like it serves the purpose of having a place to show your costumes, but you can't get as good feedback on them. But with, where you can get feedback, they are really picky.

It seriously, seriously bugs me that people never seem to check and find the 20 different posts asking the same exact thing that they just posted about. I remember one week when there were like seven different posts about the sailor collars. Augh.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:23 pm
by Phanari
So far I only have two wigs. My Count D wig and my Momiji/Chii wig. Don't ask about that last one. It's kinda two wigs in one. I'm not very good when it comes to styling because I'm afraid of hair care products.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 10:27 pm
by Hemuloki-sama
Momiji/Chii? Oh my, those are very different!

But the trick with ponytail wigs, Tia is that before you start on it, just to make sure put it on and put it into a mock ponytail. I like doing that because it's basically showing where it needs to go instead of guessing and just making the ponytail looser. Basically with a ponytail, you need a head measurement because in a ponytail, the wig can't stretch anymore.

But with the thing and basically them overlooking you unless you have a reputation. That's true. If I say something, it doesn't have as much credit as say, when Katie Bair says it.

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 5:33 pm
by Phanari
I think it's kind of foolish to do, too. If the only people we listened to were people who "mattered" in the past, we'd never have Shakspeare. Can you imagine a world without As You Like It, Comedy of Errors, MacBeth, or Mercuchio (sp)? I mean, come on, Mercuchio (sp) has to be the greatest character ever written in literature, with a small exception for the Red Death and Phantom of the Opera. ::swoons over Erik::

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 10:07 pm
by Hemuloki-sama
Phantom of the Opera wouldn't have been the same without the Red Death costume in it.

But a world without Macbeth...there were so many deaths that my friend was using a tally system to keep track of them.