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Need a plastic source

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 12:38 pm
by Dark_Tiger
I'm about to start trying to work with vaccum forming (building a vaccum table is a lot easier then I had thought) and I'm trying to find a source of small lots* of colored ABS and/or polystyrene sheets. I found these guys but they don't seem to sell colors, and I really would perfer to not have to paint them. That way, if they get scratched, it's not as obivous.

By small lots, I mean 1 to 10 4'X8' sheets.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 8:47 pm
by Sterling
look in the phone book for an industrial facility that uses stuff like that. Ask them.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:38 am
by Laura92
I don't know how much the internet would have. Sometimes you just have to go out and do a little legwork. Did you check a home improvement store, like Home Depot or Lowe's? They might not have a LOT of what you're looking for, but who knows? And besides, im a girl, im never in there

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 11:26 am
by Dark_Tiger
Heh, actually, mail order is probably the only way I'm going to get this stuff. Plastic sheet like this is usually used to make things like bowls, patio furniture, bathtubs, and storm trooper armor. 8) However, the source the nice sith who told me how to make the equipment to make this kind of armor told me about only carries white and black, which isn't a problem for him, but is for me.

Couldn't find anyone local who seemed like they'd do vaccum forming or have this kind of plastic in stock.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 2:13 pm
by Sterling
Did you try adding color yourself? Sounds like you're pretty skilled and expirenced with this stuff.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:10 pm
by Laura92
what a pain in the rump, huh?

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:58 pm
by Dark_Tiger
Sterling wrote:Did you try adding color yourself? Sounds like you're pretty skilled and expirenced with this stuff.

Gods, I wish. I've never even seen vaccum forming done before.

No, the problem is that this isn't the kind of plastic I'm used to using. I usually use polyester resin, which is sold in liquid form. After you add a catlyast (plus any tint you desire) you can pour it into a mold and let it cure. From there, you have what you want.

That's got a few issues though. First, it's about $45 a gallon. Second, while it's perfect for small pieces like jewlery (actually it's perfect for jewlery, since you can re-use the mold) it's both too heavy and a bit too brittle to use for large armor pieces. Fiberglass, the other option, is just as if not more expensive, and still a bit on the heavy side. And that doesn't take into account the toxic fumes.

Vaccum forming doesn't require any complex chemical reaction. All you do is heat a thin (1/16' to 1/4") sheet of plastic until it's soft. Then you toss it over a blank negitave you want to make something out of. The you suck all the air out from between the plastic and the form. Let cool, trim off the excess, and you're good to go.

Vaccum forming, if what I've been told is true, has several advantages. First off, it's light. I got a rigid chest plate that is less then 6 oz from the guy who was telling me about this stuff. It's cheaper for big batches, and more importantly for me, the molds last forever, rather then the 1 to 20 impressions I get with rubber molds I use for poly-resin casting. The problem is that it requires specialized equipment (a vaccum table to suck out the air and an oven since you don't want to do this in the same oven as your turkey) and apparently, it's a pain to get the plastic sheets.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 2:35 am
by Tia
Maybe they're just afraid if everybody is a storm trooper, they'll form their own government and take over the world again.....

nice Sith..... isn't that some kind of oxymoron??