I need help with Eureka's boots!

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I need help with Eureka's boots!

Post by auna » Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:24 am

Recently two of my friends and I decided we're going to attend Otakon this July and are currently putting together our costumes. My one friend wants to be Eureka and since I'm making both her and my costumes I need a little help.

I have everything all figured out except the boots...
We're waiting for these Image to arrive and plan to use blue fabric from the dress as the blue on the boots. The only problem is that I'm scared to ruin the boots and want some advice before I do so.

Since my tablet is having issues right now I did a pen sketch of what the boot should look like (bascially)
(don't laugh at my lack of ability to draw feet either!)

And was going to cut out the blue to the shapes on the boots, hem it, and then somehow sew it on the boot itself? (probably by hand) Does anyone else have any ideas how to do that? Like what type of needle and thread should I look for? I want it to look good obviously and I want her to be able to wear the boots so the blue doesn't fall off or something... (so no pasteing)

I'm looking for some educated ideas/suggestions/and advice on how to do this. Preferably by people who have worked with boots and similar materials before.

NOTE: The boots are made of a white patent leather.

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Post by mrs.tomoe » Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:07 am

Hi. Wow, sorry I'm really late to this discussion, and I hope you've found a solution. You will probably not be able to sew anything directly to the boots.

If the boots are supposed to be white with blue accents, I would either glue the fabric accents or paint the accents with shoe dye. If you don't want to permanently alter the boots, make removable covers instead.

BTW, your sketch is really good!

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Post by mrs.tomoe » Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:20 pm

Cute Bridget shoes. What did you use as a base?
Go-go boots are pretty hard, especially at the toes and heels where they're reinforced, so I doubt sewing through them would go very well.

That fabric hot glue you mention sounds neat though. I could buy it from any craft store? And does it need its own type of gun?

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