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KILL la KILL cosplay contest with Aniplex USA announced

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:20 pm
by waynekaa
Entry Deadline: 06-24-2014 11:59 PM EST <- NOT PACIFIC YO!

Anime Expo 2014 is going to be PACKED with Kill la Kill craziness, and to help that we're helping Aniplex host a cosplay contest for Kill la Kill cosplayers attending AX!

10 Finalists will be picked in the online portion of this contest, plus one "Wildcard". The wildcard slot will be picked at-con, right before the contest starts. These 11 people will be showcased on stage, and from there, 2 winners will be chosen and given special prizes, including special seats to the Kill la Kill Stage Event and/or autographs/photos from the staff.

So tell your friends and enter today!