Animagic + Contest Update

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Animagic + Contest Update

Post by Genjitsu » Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:08 pm

Animagic is this weekend, and ACP is not only covering it, we're emceeing the masquerade as well! Be sure to stop by and bug Wayne, although chances are he'll bug you first if you're not on ACP already.

Also, I made some small changes to the contest page. The Fate/Stay Night doesn't list the prizes as first or second because we'll let the first place winner choose which one he/she wants. Second place will then take whatever the other prize is. We did it this way because not everyone has a PSP. Also, PSP games are region-free, which means you won't need a Japanese one to play it. It's a fighting game developed by Capcom featuring super-deformed F/SN characters - what more could you ask for? I've included a link to the game site in the contest page, so you can find out more about it.

Lastly, School Rumble contest prizes have been changed slightly - you guys get MORE stuff now! It's also the easiest contest out of the three, considering that, well, it's in high school, and it's almost all uniforms. I'll include a link to the promo trailer for it once the other two contests are done.

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